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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A New Direction

Has it really been three months since I last visited my Blog? I, at least, have a good excuse for my absence.

It occurred to me about a year and a half ago, that with the economy being so bad and so many people losing their jobs and homes, that it would be a great time to buy a new house. I'm taking a big risk with my life savings, but I was finally able to buy my dream house. It was at one time a million dollar house, but not anymore, otherwise it would not be mine.

It was a short sale, which is a type of Hell. The first buyers walked away from the transaction during the third month of the bank's shenanigans. I then moved to the front of the line. My biggest problem was with my mortgage broker. The broker was both an idiot and unlucky. His appraiser under-appraised the home; so, I had to start over again with a different broker when we had only three weeks left to close. My life has been a roller coaster ride for the last four months and it has been mostly downhill.

For the year prior to this, my second job has been house hunting. I looked at homes on the Internet and visited the ones that looked promising. It seemed quite hopeless. All I wanted was a decently sized modern home on a big lot, with a view in a safe, quiet area. And, it had to be in my price range. Was that too much to ask? It appeared to be. It took an entire year and three Realtors before I found my house.

I'm all moved in, but there is still a ton of stuff to unpack. But mostly, I'm so glad to finally have phone service and my computer on line again after over a week of grief from AT & T. That is a story all by itself. I live in a dead zone and every time I needed to call AT &T, I had to get in my car, drive to the other side of the hill and wait on hold for between twenty and thirty minutes to talk to someone. They would promise to send someone to my house to connect me and then not show up. That was my routine for several days. I was both angry and scared. I sort of live in the country now and being out of contact and not able to call 911 was scary. I'm feeling much better now.

In a future post, I will show pictures of my new house. I'm a little overwhelmed by the size of the lot, but I got what I asked for. Yikes.

~ Home


At 8/16/2010 07:53:00 PM, Blogger Irene said...

Wow! I have a friend who just moved into a new home in Temecula and had problems with Escrow, etc. etc. It also took her about a week to get her phone, tv and internet service connected.

Looking forward to seeing the photos. I bet the dogs love the large lot.

At 8/18/2010 10:19:00 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Sounds lovely. I'm glad you're settled into your dream home. :) Good to see you back!

At 8/23/2010 11:30:00 PM, Blogger zippiknits...sometimes said...

It's beautiful and I'm so happy for you. And Welcome back to blogging!

At 9/10/2010 12:52:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Irene, I'm glad to hear that it wasn't just me that found buying a new house and moving in to be so incredibly difficult.

Lisa, it is good to be back. I'll try harder to stay in touch.

Zippiknits, thank you. I appreciate it.


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