Make Sure That It's Turned On
My day started out with a dead computer. First I made sure that the power was on. It was. Next, I pulled out the equipment on the floor to get to the cords and check all of the connections and make sure it was plugged in. It was all plugged in. After that I was stumped.
Computer withdrawal was starting to set in. Trying not to panic, I sat and stared at the computer. Then, I suddenly noticed that the computer was turned off. I never turn my computer off, but there must have been a power failure or something. I hit the on button and it came back to life.
Don't I feel like a fool? I'm glad that I didn't call anybody for help. I can imagine some guy in India laughing at the stupid American girl who didn't think to turn the computer on.
I used to work tech support--and I got a call that the IT people had broken a computer--and the monitor was clicked off.
Another woman called IT support every day to come to her desk and turn her laptop on--she never remembered where the "button thingie" was.
At least you aren't putting white-out on the monitor!
Don't feel too bad, i bet thousands out there have had the same thing happen to them, it's just that you have the guts to mention it!
Grin. I am sure the support hotlines have had worse than that :)
HP, I don't know how you ever figured that one out. I would have been running extension cords from outlets that worked.
R2Ks, Lol at white out on the monitor.
Michelle, I'm not ashamed of my blonde ways. They give me something to blog about.
Karen, I'm glad I didn't have a chance to find out.
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