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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I Want A New Dress!

Well, I'm glad that's over. I've been trying to write a little post most of the day and couldn't. There was some big ugly, black Blogger beta thing at the top of my blog instead of the usual discrete heading. Besides being ugly, it didn't work. I couldn't access my dashboard or even leave comments on anyone else's blog. Even the Blogger main page was down.

I should be used to it by now, but few things in life upset me more than when Blogger misbehaves. In the grand scheme of things, it shouldn't matter, but it does. I hope that the beta thing stays away for good.

Now I can talk about the frustration of trying to buy a dress. See what an important topic that I was being denied my God-given right to blog about?

My employer throws a nice party for people celebrating work anniversary dates that end in a five or a zero. This is my year, so it seemed like the perfect excuse to buy a nice dress. I didn't think that it would be this hard. It's not like I was looking for a bathing suit, but the harsh lights in the dressing room were so unforgiving that every outfit made me look fat, so I left empty-handed.

The main problem I was having was squeezing my boobs in the dresses. Since I don't have much in the way of boobs, this makes no sense, but most of the dresses squished me flat and the excess boobs were squeezed out the arm holes.

I think the problem is that I'm tall and broad-shouldered with a large rib cage. Inside a dress, that doesn't leave much room for boobs, even mine. Larger sizes make me look like I'm wearing a potato sack.

I hope this doesn't mean that I have to wear an old dress from my closet. What's the fun in that?

It would also help if clothing stores used nice lighting in the dressing rooms. When women feel ugly under harsh lighting, it makes them want to leave as fast as possible without buying anything.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

~ Home


At 8/27/2006 06:14:00 AM, Blogger Madwag said...

UGHHH!!! I know what you mean about the stupid lighting in the dressing rooms! I spent 2 solid hours shopping for an outfit to wear to the gym... everything looked horrible and I looked so flabby in the mirror. Lighting in the dressing rooms shouldn't be so harsh, it doesn't help sell clothes at all. I hope you find a dress...

At 8/27/2006 07:29:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I hope so too. I'm thinking maybe mail order.

At 8/28/2006 07:18:00 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Annette went on a dress search this Saturday and came up empty. She says an afternoon manicure and pedicure made the day all right, and highly recommends it.

At 8/28/2006 08:39:00 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I love how, in the sidebar under Recent Comments, it reads "Alan: I Want A New Dress!"

hmm... wait... now it says that about me! It wasn't supposed to tell!

At 8/28/2006 12:45:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't picture anything making you look fat. Perhaps you need to go up one size and wear a belt?

At 8/28/2006 12:48:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Alan, I deep-conditioned my hair instead. That always helps my mood.

Dave, would you prefer something strapless or with sphagetti straps? :)

At 8/28/2006 12:58:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Connie, I don't know if you see it where you live, but there is a Carl's Junior commercial with a waitress that says, "You want pastrami?"

That's how I felt I looked in the dressing rooms. (I do have a slight body image problem.)

Belts wouldn't work with the dresses I was trying on. I may have to go shopping in my closet.

At 8/28/2006 01:19:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Dave, As soon as I commented, I noticed the sidebar and thought, "Hmmm, that doesn't sound right. Oh well, maybe no one will pick up on it."

At 8/28/2006 02:19:00 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

Alan, I'm sure nobody did. :)

We see that commercial here, because we get the LA stations on our satellite dish. Her voice is somehow both grating, irritating and amusing all at the same time. Reminds me of the "Where's the beef?" commercial.

If I wore strapless, how would it stay up?

At 8/29/2006 12:26:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Dave it would stay up the same way that strapless dresses stay up on me, with stays. They are those hard things sewn into the sides of dresses that dig into your rib cage and keep the bodice up. They used to be made with whale bones. Now they use plastic or metal. Hasn't Connie taught you anything? :)

At 8/29/2006 09:37:00 AM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

I don't think I'll be wearing a strapless any time soon.

Connie taught me to say "Excuse me" after I belch and toss my bones in the fire. I guess my education is incomplete. ;)


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