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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Dumped On Again

Day shift dumped on us again. The patient was supposed to get a laxative suppository at 10 am. They, once again, waited until 2:30 pm to give it. That left us, once again, to deal with the consequences. Because the patient is bedbound and incontinent plus not having "gone" since last Tuesday, the consequences were nasty.

I ordered a pineapple, jalapeno pepper pizza tonight. They wanted to know if it was okay if they put tomato sauce on it. Isn't that like asking if I wanted a crust and cheese? Politely, I answered yes, but inside I was screaming, "Are you out of your mind?"

A patient was discharged and walking toward the exit when he asked if he could have a hospital bed. We get this all of the time. The patients are here several days, a discharge planner visits every patient and talks about what equipment the patient will need at home and when necessary, makes the rental arrangements. So, why is it that at night when the discharge planner is gone, do the discharged patients suddenly realize that they want a bed or other major piece of equipment? Do they think that we stock this stuff and can just hand them a bed on the way out? This just drives us crazy.

Saturday is when men with power tools injure themselves. So, it being a Saturday, we got a patient who shot himself in the wrist with a nail gun. He's lucky that it missed the arteries. He was too groggy from the procedure to remove the nail from the wrist bone, so we couldn't ask him how it happened, but it doesn't really matter. It's Saturday, he's a man and he has a power tool.

Lastly, we had a patient who thought that the Mexican Mafia was after her. She thought, also, that we put something in the foot of her bed to make her feet burn. Damn. She's on to us.

~ Home


At 10/30/2005 11:01:00 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

You look pretty happy for someone who just got "dumped on", maybe you could persuade the noc shift to give him another one at about 5:30 am:) I assume the smile is for the forthcoming pizza!

At 10/30/2005 11:49:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

What a great idea to have night shift help us get even with day shift! Although, I think that we would have to find a different patient. That one is empty.

At 11/02/2005 05:41:00 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Only you could go from a paragraph ending in 'nasty' to a paragraph starting with pizza ingredients!

LOL at your list of craziness here.

At 11/02/2005 11:16:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Nothing can dampen my appetite, except for the dishes that my coworkers sometimes eat. I wish that they had a fish-free breakroom.


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