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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Wearing Wicked Wires

I bought a new foundation garment and wore it for the first time to work today. After a couple of hours, I couldn't stand it anymore. It felt like some medieval instrument of torture with wires digging into my rib cage. No matter how much I tugged, and I tugged plenty, reaching under my top to rearrange things, the wires just kept digging in deeper.

In desperation, I grabbed a pair of scissors, went into the bathroom and did some surgery. The damned wires were extracted. Instant relief.

So, did my female appendages suddenly droop or look any less perky without the wires? Not one bit. Their only purpose was to cause pain, apparently. Whose idea was it to put these things in women's underwear? I doubt that men would put up with wires in their underwear, even if it did enhance their natural attributes.

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At 2/16/2006 10:56:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Now I understand why you would like a reduction.

At 2/16/2006 10:33:00 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I don't get why you of all people would need to wear anything like that? Me on the other hand.........LOL!

At 2/16/2006 11:02:00 PM, Blogger Tati said...

I hate wires too - but am completely "floppy" without them.

At 2/17/2006 12:29:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Michelle, manufacturers put wires in even A cups. It's a challenge to find a bra without them.

Karen, I wish that I had that problem. I don't have enough to flop.


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