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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I'm A Mommie

Meet my new little girl, Lassie. She's a Golden-Collie Retriever. This morning, I got up early and drove to a shelter in downtown Los Angeles. Normally, I won't go over the hill unless a gun is held to my head, but Lassie was worth the sacrifice.

The shelter was in a section of LA that I had never seen before. It was old, grimy and depressing, like parts of New York City. CSI New York was there, filming. The area was a crime scene waiting to happen.

I had never been in a shelter before and it was horrifying. Instead of envisioning Hell as fire and brimstone, preachers should describe Hell as being a dog shelter. Nothing can be as horrifying. I'm haunted by the faces of the desperate dogs that I couldn't save. Perhaps, Schindler's List would be a more apt comparison.

Lassie was paralyzed with fright. She wouldn't come out of her little dog house. I was asked to wait in a holding pen while they brought her to me. I was just one more penned in creature, surrounded my barking dogs. It took forever because they couldn't catch her. Once I saw her, she just wandered around the pen and tried to avoid me. Shaking violently, with her fluffy tail between her legs, she finally let me touch her. Our eyes met and I knew instantly that I had a new dog. I could feel her sweet, gentle nature and how much she needed to be loved.

Before they let me take her, I had to sign a release of liability. They said that she was a growler and might bite. That made me nervous, but I signed the paper and took her anyway. My instincts told me that if she growled, it was only because she was scared. There was nothing aggressive about her and soon, she would have no reason to be scared anymore.

She ran to my car and jumped in. As the car started moving out of the parking lot, she leaned over and licked my arm. That was my first Lassie kiss. She was grateful to be escaping the doggie concentration camp.

Lassie likes dogs and my dogs like dogs, so there was no problem with the introductions. I took her straight from the car to the backyard to give her time to adjust. It was several minutes before Tommy and Kelsey noticed her. When they did, they walked out, wagged their tails, sniffed each other and all was fine.
It wasn't long before Lassie discovered the pond. I went inside for just one minute to get her a new collar and when I came out, she was in the deep end.

It's only been a few hours, but she's a different girl now. She's walking with her tail held high and comes over to be petted. I just need to train her to sit on the couch and sleep in bed with me.

~ Home


At 4/17/2007 08:08:00 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

It always gives a person a warm, fuzzy feeling to do something nice for a dog, doesn't it? I'm sure it will be hard work to draaag her into bed with you and sit on the couch.

The pound is scarey...all those barking dogs are difficult on anyone's nerves... especially impressionable dogs.

At 4/17/2007 08:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for making my day! What a great story!

At 4/17/2007 09:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lassie has gone from doggie hell to doggie heaven...complete with mandatory couch/bed times and her own swimming pool!! Lucky, lucky girl!

I hope you are all very happy with each other!

At 4/17/2007 10:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they all look like a big happy family :)


At 4/18/2007 01:47:00 AM, Blogger Madwag said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww...that is so neat!!!! That made my day... thank you and thank you for saving Lassie...

At 4/18/2007 02:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you for saving a dog. many happy years together!

At 4/18/2007 06:00:00 AM, Blogger My Heart On My Sleeve said...

What a Sweet, Precious new baby you have. Congratulations Mommy!

And regarding you question, COSTCO! I miss COSTCO! Just try living without it for eight years. Oh and Michaels too. And good healthcare. And.......

At 4/18/2007 11:11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The picture of her in the pond kinda makes her look like a fox. She's very pretty. I'm sure you will have many happy years together.

At 4/19/2007 12:35:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Lisa, it is hard work to get her on the couch. Her previous owners must have hit her when she got on the furniture.

Anon, #1, thanks.

Lisa #2, I'm going to do my best to make up for what her previous owners did to her.

May, the dogs all really like each. We're going to be fine.

Madwag, I feel like I'm the lucky one here.

Anon #2, the rewards of saving a dog are priceless. I wish that I could help more.

My Heart, *gasp* you don't have a Costco? That must be hell. I love Costco and am totally addicted.

Connie, depending on what she's doing with her ears, she can look just like a little red fox. She's as smart as one too.

At 4/19/2007 04:44:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

Great story. Lassie is a lucky girl.


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