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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Dog Delay

The cocker spaniel from Hell was supposed to be mine, but my friend has had a change of heart. She doesn't want to give her up until she is sure that she has done everything possible to get rid of her aggressive tendencies. So, the cocker has an appointment next week with a trainer and psych meds may be tried as well. If everything fails, then she will be mine. But if everything fails, do I really want an evil cocker?

I understand my friend's reluctance to give up her dog. I could never do it. It must be an awful decision to make.

In the meantime, I've been doing a very bad thing. I've been looking at dogs on the Internet that are available for adoption. There are so many that I desperately want. It breaks my heart that there are so many dogs without homes.

I think it is just a matter of time before I end up with three dogs. We'll see what dog finds it way to my home and into my heart.

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At 4/07/2007 09:03:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


That's my favorite place to look!

At 4/07/2007 10:57:00 PM, Blogger Madwag said...

the right dog will find his/her way to your home when the time is right. it always happens w/ me that way.... just wait

At 4/08/2007 01:00:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Stop fooling around and go the grcgla site. You know you want another golden...you know you do:)
Let me know and I will call my rep down there and have her look for a dog for you.

At 4/08/2007 07:56:00 PM, Blogger Gary said...

I wouldn't recommend a Dalmation. I had one for ten years until she died a couple of years ago. I loved her, but Dalmations can be difficult. Luckily I'm really good at training dogs, so mine wasn't a problem. Maybe you should be looking for another cocker. (I mean Cocker Spaniel) :)

At 4/08/2007 09:50:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Lisa, I visited the site and saw some great dogs. It's so hard to choose.

Madwag, it won't be much longer either.

Sarah, it's already done. By the way, how do you get the dog? Do they deliver?

Gary, Goldens are my first love. I think that I will stick with them.

At 4/09/2007 12:19:00 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Yes, if you are dealing with my rep Deborah she will do the home check and deliver, possibly at the same time if you have her call me for a referral. She will spend enough time observing the dogs together to make sure everyone gets along and it is a good match before she leaves. If there is any problem she is very prompt in taking care things. She is one of the nicest most caring people I know. You will love her:)


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