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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Don't Laugh

Today was the retirement party for one of my coworkers. It was held at The Castaway in the hills above Burbank. The view is of the San Fernando Valley. Some of my coworkers are pictured here. There were over 80 people at the party and only three were not Filipino. I didn't feel out of place, though. I've always been welcomed and included.

There was music, ballroom dancing and of course food. No pancit was served.

At one point I visited the ladies room and almost got in trouble. When I wanted to return to the party, I got turned around and walked through an open door. Inside, there was a wall lined with urinals. Thank God there was no one in there. With the door open you can't read that it was the men's room.

There were some speeches and one person didn't quite get the name of our hospital right. Because we are in Panorama City, we say that we work at PC. The speaker pronounced it feces. No one laughed and I was just about dying, trying to keep a straight face.

There were also some singers. One singer did quite well at first singing a Celine Dion song. But the song quickly exceeded her vocal capacities. What she lacked in skill, she made up for in volume. At one point an employee rushed to the door to close it. I was managing okay until then and nearly broke out in hysterical laughter. Regaining self-control just in time for another singer, I nearly lost it again. It was the same problem again. Had she chosen a less ambitious song, she would have done fine, but the song again was an octave higher than she could manage. I don't know why bad singing gives me giggling fits, but I've had that problem since I was a kid. Just knowing that laughing would be the worst thing that I could do is enough to make me laugh. Thank God I managed not to.

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At 8/27/2005 10:46:00 PM, Blogger Mary said...

LOL at "feces"!!

Great photos, though! Haven't seen the valley in a while. I'm all inland-empirish now. ;)

OOooh, and I see you now require us to be tested before we enter our comments. I do well on tests, thank goodness. ;)

At 8/27/2005 11:02:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thought that "K..... Hospital feces" was funny. :)

Sorry about the test that's now required to post a comment. I'm finding it to be very annoying and sometimes I guess wrong when trying to figure out what the letters are. It's working to cut down on the spam, but I'm not sure which is worse, spam or a test.

At 8/27/2005 11:57:00 PM, Blogger dkgoodman said...

mmmmm, Castaway. Been many a year since I ate there, but the food was great. Too bad it's in Burbank. I always hated driving there. :)

Between testing and spam, I'll put up with the test to defeat the spam. Death to spam! :)

At 8/28/2005 03:02:00 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Well done for keeping a straight face at "feces"..i know i couldn't have!

At 8/28/2005 06:06:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Dave, the drive to Burbank is awful and everyone I talked to got lost. We all had various computer maps and none of them matched the road signs. I guess that would have been a good time for GPS. ;)

Michelle, I didn't keep a straight face, although I did try. I just managed not to laugh out loud. :)

At 8/28/2005 07:10:00 PM, Blogger Running2Ks said...

Sounds like the singer was the spinal tap of the party set. SHE went to 11 LOL!!

At 8/28/2005 07:44:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

I'm always afraid when I hear that an amateur is going to sing at some event that I'm going to attend, because if it's not good, I know that I'm going to have a giggling fit. At my brother's wedding, I was a bridesmaid and I thought that I was going to die when the preacher's wife got up to sing. It should be against the law to sing like that. Knowing that people could watch me shaking and snorting made it ten times worse.


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