Down to 20 Bottles of Shampoo on the Wall
Public shaming and humiliation didn't do it. Knowing I was giving Sarah OCD attacks didn't do it either. What motivated me to throw out 29 bottles of shampoo/conditioner was Sarah telling me that the old bottles could be harboring pseudomonas. The thought of microorganisms swarming in my hair was just too creepy.
One of the old bottles was so brittle, it cracked when I picked it up. It had to be over 10 years old. It also smelled bad.
It's a relief to have my shower shelf organized, but it looks so empty now. Maybe I could just buy a few more bottles.
Melissa! I am so proud of you!! I also want to thank you for making my job organizing so much easier when I come over. Didn't you say you had a cabinet with all your "extra" products overflowing in it? You could just relocate some of those to the shower and then it would look full again!
The stuff in the cabinet isn't shampoo or conditioner. It's just stuff. :)
I'm so proud of you! Infact i will even volunteer to be your "sponsor" LOL!
You mean I can move to Australia now? What will I get if I clean out my closet? :)
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