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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

If I Was A Melissa

It has happened again. Melissa forgot where she put something. This time it's a prescription that was filled about a month ago. It wasn't needed then, so she put it away. I need it now and have torn the house apart looking for it. I hate it when Melissa does that to me.

When this happens, I play the game of, "if I was a Melissa, where would I put it." I try to think like her and figure out where she would think is a logical place to put things. Usually I'm pretty good at figuring her out and thinking like her, but this time I'm stumped. Melissa, why do you do this to me? And where did you put the damn prescription?

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At 11/23/2005 03:32:00 PM, Blogger Running2Ks said...


At 11/23/2005 07:06:00 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I'm so glad your taking a vacation!

At 11/23/2005 07:07:00 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

OOPs...Happy Turkey Day to you and the boys :)

At 11/23/2005 10:58:00 PM, Blogger Tati said...

In your wallet maybe?

At 11/24/2005 10:14:00 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

I hate it when I put something in a "safe place" so I won't lose it and then it's gone forever.

At 11/24/2005 12:39:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Brandy, it's not there either.

Michelle, thanks. The vacation isn't for some time, so I'm probably going to continue to decline until then.

Karen, it's not there either.

Sarah, it's possible that is what happened to me. It's also possible that during one of my rare cleaning frenzies, it got thrown out.


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