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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Funny Fan

Something awful happened when I was getting ready for bed. I turned on my bedroom fan and it didn't work. Of course I checked the connections, settings and even other outlets, but it was dead. I can't sleep without my fan.

On all but the coldest nights, I have the bedroom window open. If the window is open, the fan must be on. The sound of the fountain and freeway drives me nuts, so the fan is necessary to buffer the noise.

My project on my day off was to buy another fan that would fit in the window. It sounded to me like a simple assignment. Since I got my last fan at Home Depot, that was where I went to try and buy a replacement. No luck. Fans are a seasonal item and are not sold this time of year. I did find a nice new rug for my kitchen, though. It's the color of mud which should work out well.

Surely Target would sell fans, I thought. Lots of people use fans year-round and don't they know that the weather will stay mostly warm until Christmas? This is Southern California for goodness sakes. No fans. But I did find some pretty dog collars. Poor Tommy is now wearing a pink jeweled collar.

My next stop was Trader Joes. I knew they didn't have fans, but the chocolate situation had reached critical levels. I had begun resorting to eating Hershey's chocolate. *gasp* Now I have enough fine European bitter chocolate to get me through the next few months. Checking out, the clerk said that I must be making a gift basket for someone. Sheepishly, I responded that it was all for me. Doesn't anyone else buy chocolate in volume?

The last stop was to Fantastic Sam's to get my hair shortened. The stylist took personal offense when I said that I like to cut my own bangs. I thought that she would be glad because it was less work for her, but she kept grilling me, wanting to know why I didn't want her to cut them. I didn't want to insult her by saying that the last time she cut them so short that it screwed up my passport photo and took two months to grow out to the right length. I steadfastly refused to give her a reason other than personal preference while wondering why she seemed to be so intent on receiving an insult. I really hate getting my hair cut. If I could see to cut the back I would never go back.

Lastly, I came home without a fan and prepared to throw my old fan in the trash. I plugged it in and gave it one last test just to make sure. It worked. All is well again.

~ Home


At 9/20/2006 12:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this a table fan or a box fan? In your initial thrashing around did you by any chance flip a blade to rotate it slightly? Sometimes as a motor ages an internal connection gets a little flaky and all that is necessary is to give it that initial encouragement. Also, does the blade turn freely? If the shaft is getting stiff the friction may be just enough to keep it from starting immediately.

At 9/20/2006 12:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are no "fan" of Fantastic Sams. Sorry. Maybe next time you could try Supercuts. They never cut my bangs short enough - purposely. Since I am far-sighted and can't see to cut my own bangs, I need to go more often - more money for them.

At 9/20/2006 05:36:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

The other dogs are probably making fun of Tommy. Poor guy.

We have found that the Bavarian Hefeweisen is a good reason to stop at Trader Joes. Two Buck Chuck is good also, however it's actually Three Buck Chuck in this state.

When we have our yearly week of 90 degree temperatures in the summer, fans are totally impossible to find.

At 9/20/2006 07:42:00 PM, Blogger Gary said...

I'm glad your fan is working again. Now you have me curious about why it wouldn't work.

If I bought chocolate in bulk, unfortunately I would EAT chocolate in bulk. LOL

You were smart not to tell that hairdresser the truth. Sometimes silence is golden.

Hope you are having a nice week.

At 9/21/2006 12:00:00 PM, Blogger Madwag said...

Sounds like one of my days.... I miss Target and Trader Joes... :o(
However we do have fab chocolate here in the UK. If they ever get a Target here in England... I would be in 7th heaven... I think I need to pray for one.

At 9/21/2006 07:39:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Paul, I have no idea what happened. I just know that the fan works fine now.

Connie, I suspect that Supercuts would cut my bangs too short also. No one can believe that I really want my bangs cut one-half inch below the lower rim of my eyes. Maybe you could train Dave to cut your bangs for you. :)

Gary, if it was candy bars or chocolates, it would be dangerous to have it in the house. The pure dark, dark chocolate satisfies me in small quantities.

Madwag, you do have much better chocolate than we do. Even your ordinary chocolate bars are superior.

At 9/22/2006 12:45:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

Alan, I think that the other dogs are just jealous because they don't have jeweled collars. They only make them for small dogs for some bizarre reason.

I also bought some Pale Ale from Traders that comes from Oregon. Not bad at all. I also like the 2 buck chuck and bought enough to last a few months.


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