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Misadventurous Melissa

Everyday is an adventure, or misadventure as the case may be. It is the latter that makes for the best stories, inspiring the name of my blog. I'm a nurse and an attorney (and way too silly sometimes). I am retired now. WELCOME to my blog! This is a work of fiction inspired by true events. The patients I refer to are a patchwork quilt of various patient's problems mixed together. If you think you recognize someone, you are wrong. These people do not really exist.

Friday, November 25, 2005

A Nurse's Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving, the poor patients got the usual pre-formed, black-striped chicken patty in teriyaki sauce without even dessert. Our dinner was sad too. We were offered a choice between some kind of molded and sliced turkey or ham (by-)product or vegetarian lasagne. There was also instant mashed potatoes and canned gravy. I chose the lasagne because it looked like the least scary option. That was a mistake. It was in some kind of gag-inducing, chemically tasting cream sauce. How they make food taste that bad is beyond me.
This was the salad bar. I skipped it for obvious reasons.
This is what was handed to me. I'm accustomed to eating Thanksgiving dinner on good china with silverware, instead of Styrofoam and a plastic fork, but I realize that I'm a princess. I didn't really expect china and silver, but edible food would have have been nice, although I didn't really expect that either. It also would have been nice to eat with someone, but we can only take our breaks one at a time.

The evening wasn't entirely bad. I got paid $100 an hour and the charge nurse was back, so she got to take the brunt of the abuse. The bad news for me is that she's leaving on vacation tomorrow for 5 weeks and I have to be charge while she's gone. It's going to be a long 5 weeks. I'm either going to have to develop thicker skin fast or I'll have to keep myself drugged in a zombie-like state. I didn't become a nurse so that I could fight with people all day. I became a nurse to get away from that. Now, where did Melissa put my prescription?

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At 11/25/2005 11:10:00 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Another good reason to take slim fast drinks and meal bars to work. How did she get a 5 WEEK vacation during the holidays? I remember them telling us we couldn't take any vacation time from Nov til the end of Jan! You are gonna have to find that presciption, fast! How many more years til you can retire from that place?

At 11/25/2005 11:22:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

We can take vactions over the holidays, but we can only be gone one nurse at a time. Because of her seniority, she gets first pick and is always gone at this time of year.

My sentence lasts another 15 years. *sob*

At 11/26/2005 02:45:00 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

That food lloks gross. However $100 an hour looks brilliant!

At 11/27/2005 12:53:00 AM, Blogger Melissa said...

If only my job paid that well everyday. And, the food tasted even worse than it looks.

At 11/28/2005 03:10:00 PM, Blogger Mary said...

That's the saddest, grossest salad bar I've ever seen!
Even worse than dreaded dorm food in a U.C. school out in the desert. (Believe me, I know.)

Oh, Melissa, how do you survive?!

[LOL, the wordification for this post is "fiddy". It's funny. Fiddy. fiddy fiddy fiddy. Funny, see?]

At 12/01/2005 12:06:00 PM, Blogger Melissa said...

Mary, if you survived 4 years of dorm food, you're doing better than I am. I only face that meal once or twice a year.


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