The Psychiatrist's House
The house had been on the market for several months, but was out of my price range. After a year of disappointments, my expectations were low, but I monitored the house on the realtor's website just in case it ever came down to my price range.
One day, the price came down to just $25,000 over my budget. That was close enough to schedule an appointment to see the house. We had to wait for a day that both of us had off, which only happens four days a month. We also had to see the house when the doctor wasn't seeing patients. The psychiatrist owner worked out of his home.
The appointment was for late in the day after a long day of house hunting. I was tempted to skip this last house because of fatigue and the long drive to get there, but was reluctant to say anything. We ended up driving there and planned to wait until the agreed upon time.
As we drove around the corner and saw the house for the first time, the feeling I has was more than love at first sight. It was recognition. I knew that was my house.

My biggest requirement, and most difficult and expensive to find, was land. I don't want to look out my windows and see into someone else's house or vice versa. I don't want to look out the window and look at a wall. I don't want to know if the neighbor is taking a shower. I need space.
The new house is on nearly two acres of land. That sounded great in theory and perhaps if I didn't have a full time job it would be great in reality, but right now I feel overwhelmed. We live in a high fire danger area and there is four years worth of brush that needs to be removed. I would do it myself, but I don't have time, plus I'm afraid of rattlesnakes.
Only about half an acre of land is fenced. The rest is wild. A creek flows through the unfenced land and native oak trees line the banks. It is very nice to sit on the patio and look down on my oak trees and listen to the creek. The coyotes also like my land. A pack of them live on it. That wasn't mentioned in the sellers disclosure statement. They seem to be afraid of my dogs, so hopefully they will stay out of my fenced yard. But, that also means I can only have big dogs. No more Cockers. *sigh*

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