Good Bye, For Now
Today is the big day. I'll be gone on vacation until the middle of May. I hope the pilot got a good night's sleep, isn't drunk and didn't get into a fight with his wife. Isn't it amazing the things that I can think of to worry about?
Yesterday I took Murphy for another walk through Placerita Canyon. The hillsides were covered with wildflowers. Murph had to put up with me stopping every few feet to take pictures. Murph doesn't have the same appreciation for flowers that I do.

On the way home, I stopped at In & Out Burger. Murph got a double, double with cheese and the other boys and I got regular hamburgers. When we got home, we all ate lunch together. It took some coaxing, but once Murph realized there was meat in it, it was gone in about two seconds. He even ate the tomato slices and lettuce. Unbelievable. It didn't occur to me to get fries for the dogs, but it did occur to Murph. He stuck his face in my fries and they disappeared. I only got two.
Next, I loaded up the car with the boy's food and bowls and took the boys to my parent's house. Kelsey and Murph refused to get out of the car when we got there. They normally fly out of the car, but they knew something was up. They will be well taken care of, but I already miss them so much. The house feels so empty and quiet without them. How can people stand to not own pets?
Anyway, it's unlikely that I will post while I'm gone. Please remember to come back and visit around the middle of May. I will miss you all. Take care.
So far, 8 commentators
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